SAE Projects


Winters FFA uses the AET record book system to track their agricultural experience. Students can access their AET records here. Training on the books has been provided in class, but there are helpful tutorials and worksheets available on the website.

To log in students will need the Winters FFA Chapter number which is: CA0270

Usernames are the students first initial followed by their last name in all capitals.

Passwords can be obtained from the Ag Instructors. Email Mr. Whitworth or Mrs. Roberts for more information.


To get a better understanding of what and SAE project is and what the SAE Project Presentation entails please contact Mr. Whitworth or Mrs. Mederos.

Winters FFA Boosters

Winters FFA Boosters Facebook Page

Winters FFA Boosters Website

The Friends of Winters FFA is a non profit designated to help fund The Winters Future Farmers of America. Our goal is to fund raise enough capital to support all active members attend FFA Field Days, State & National Conventions, & Senior Scholarships.